This section configures in a personalized way the text that the guest must sign and accept. The structure of these fields is articulated from individualized tags that are collected during the online check-in process in the different PMS. In other words, the holder of the reservation will see their personal data in the legal text of the hotel's arrival record.
The Dashboard editor divides the template into different categories that also have subcategories:
- Chain: Chain logo
chain name
- Hotel:
Hotel logo
Name of the hotel
hotel phone
VAT number of the hotel
Hotel Zip Code
Social address of the hotel
hotel society city
province hotel society
Country hotel society
Company name of the hotel
Contact email of the hotel company
Legal text of the entry part
Legal text on the property contract
Legal text on data privacy policies
Legal text on the commercial use of data
Legal text on adherence to the loyalty program
android link
iOS link
- Bookings:
Locator / voucher
Unique identifier in the PMS
Arrival date
Arrival time
Departure time
number of cars
Number of adults
number of children
total guests
Email associated with the reservation
Agreed price
Number of rooms
Assigned room number
room name
customer notes
agency code
stay of the regime
Name of owner
Holder's document number
Signature of the holder
police report
- Guest:
Second surname
Date of Birth
Document type
Document number
Expedition date
Expiration date
Postal Code
Privacy Policy
Data usage
loyalty program
- Credit cards:
Name of the cardholder
Card type (credit or debit)
Card number
Expiration date