Why is it Necessary to Authorize Civitfun on Booking.com?
To prevent phishing, Booking.com now needs hoteliers to manually list the email addresses they can use to communicate with guests, along with the links allowed in those emails.
To ensure that Civitfun can impact the check-in process for reservations made by your guests through Booking.com, it is necessary to authorize Civitfun (email address and link) to send notifications to those customers via Booking.com.
How Can I Authorize Civitfun on Booking.com?
This configuration must be done in Booking.com extranet by the hotelier, Civitfun cannot do it for you.
Email Setting
If you have ONE PROPERTY:
1. Sign in to the extranet.
2. Click Property and then click Messaging preferences.
3. Click Security settings.
4. Complete two-factor authentication.
5. Click Add an email address.
6. Enter Civitfun's email address: noreply@civitfun.com, along with your own email address, which you'll use to communicate with guests. Then click Add email address.
We recommend adding your communication email as well. This ensures that if you set up your address in our email marketing tool, Booking.com won't suspect phishing.
1. Sign in to your group account on the extranet and select one property on the homepage.
7. To apply the same settings to all properties in your account, click Apply to all properties.
8. Check the approved email addresses and click Apply to all properties in the popup.
Link Setting
If you have ONE PROPERTY:
1. Sign in to the extranet.
2. Click Property and then click Messaging preferences.
3. Click Security settings.
4. Complete two-factor authentication.
5. Click Add a link.
6. Enter Civitfun's specific URLs:
- Check-in link: https://checkin.civitfun.com
- Payment protection link: https://civitpayment.com
- Door opening link: https://door-opening.civitfun.com
Click Add domain.
1. Sign in to your group account on the extranet and select one property on the homepage.
7. To apply the same settings to all properties in your account, click Apply to all properties.
8. Check the approved domains and click Apply to all properties in the popup.
If you need more information, feel free to check out Booking.com article for further details.