To manage your email templates in Guestlink, follow these steps:
Access the Guestlink templates
- From the Civitfun control panel, select the Guestlink section.
- You will automatically be redirected to the email templates view.
Activate or deactivate templates
- In the template list, you will find a checkbox in the first column of each template.
- To activate a template, check the corresponding box.
- To deactivate it, uncheck the same box.
Create a new template
- Click on the "Create template" button.
- You will be redirected to an editor where you can design a new template from scratch.
Modify or delete an existing template
- In the "Action" column of each template, you will find icons to edit or delete.
- Select the corresponding icon depending on the action you want to perform.
Important information
- Do not delete templates: It is recommended to deactivate templates instead of deleting them, as deleted templates cannot be recovered.
- Templates of the same type: You cannot have two templates of the same type active simultaneously. If you activate a new template of a type that already has an active one, the previous template will be automatically deactivated.