Within your Civitfun Dashboard, in the "Guestlink" section, you can manage all the email communications we offer.
In the "Email Templates" menu, you can edit, modify, and create your Guestlink templates.
When you click to edit an existing template or create a new one, the email editor opens, dividing the configuration into two blocks.
☝️ The first block refers to the email conditions:
- Template Name: An internal name for the hotel.
- Send From: The hotel can decide if they want a personal email. To do this, they must configure their own SMTP in the "SMTP Configuration" section. Otherwise, the email will be sent from "noreply".
- Cc List: Emails in visible copy.
- Bcc List: Emails in blind copy.
- Email Type: Marketing or Transactional.
- Template Type: Pre-Intra-Post stay.
- Scheduling: List of delivery times related to the previous field.
- Language: Dropdown menu with all the languages configured during the initial setup.
- Language: It will depend on the languages that the hotelier has configured in the Settings section.
- Autofill to all languages: If you select this option and save the template, the email template you just created/defined will be applied to all languages. For example, if I have 6 languages available (since I want the form to be in 6 languages) but I will always send the emails in English. In this case, it would be ideal to create a single template in English and select autofill to all languages. This way, in all available languages, the email I just created in English will appear.
- Within any template, you can decide to apply all changes to the entire chain or only to the current hotel.
✌️ The second block refers to email editing:
- Subject: By default, our templates are configured with the tag [hotel_name] and free text. Everything is customizable.
- The field: "select a tag for the subject" opens a dropdown menu with a list of options. Then, by clicking the "insert" button, the tag will be placed in the Subject where your cursor is set.
- Email Template: By default, text will appear. Everything is customizable.
- The field: "select a tag for the template" opens a dropdown menu with a list of options². Then, by clicking the "insert" button, the tag will be placed in the line where the cursor is located.
❗️It's important to clarify that the tag name is not the same as what will appear once we click "insert".